Thursday, May 18, 2006

So, you’ve decided to pursue the most self selecting profession and attend medical school. As a dutiful academic bent on the study of medicine you go to the library and select a canonic title. The odds favor one of Stephen Bergman’s books, Melvin Konner’s Becoming a Doctor, or the superlative Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis. In reality the average premed wouldn’t dare read trite fiction. Their reality is consumed with how to ace organic chemistry while simultaneously crushing the MCAT. Life should be more than selfish narrow pursuits but let’s be honest; matriculation requires a crushing amount of focus.

This reminds me, if you happen to stumble along this blog and are asking yourself, “why doesn’t this pedantic f*** quit expounding on books he claims to have read and just tell me how to get in?” Your wish is my command. Get A’s in every single prerequisite, swing B’s in everything else, and score a 30 on the MCAT, major is unimportant. Simple eh? Here comes the important part. Listen up. IF YOU DEVIATE FROM THIS FORMULA IT BECOMES EXPONENTIALLY HARDER TO MATRICULATE, EVER. Getting accepted isn’t rocket science, far from it. Admissions committees are looking for students who will be able to handle the curriculum. This decision is almost solely based, hold your breath, on undergraduate grades. UG grades are hardly an accurate representation of intelligence. It doesn’t matter that legions of boring, truncated, selfish, and mean people benefit from this admissions practice. UG grades are everything for admissions committees. Please, please save yourself the anguish. Don’t screw with the formula.

You’re narcissistic, thinking that medical schools around the nation would love to accept you with open arms dripping with scholarship money and sexy dental hygienist students even though you made C’s in organic chemistry, the second time. It’s going to be tough, really tough. Think Sisyphus. Think about another career. If you are stupid, you had better be tough.

The literary treatise will have to wait.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, see, this is my problem. I'm working on it though. In the past couple of months, I have become obsessed, absolutely obsessed with becoming a physician. I can't see myself doing anything else blah blah undergrad gpa is horrible. My science gpa is horrible. My advisor said I should get a second degree in biology. I think I will do that. And ace it.

3:04 AM  

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